Saturday, 2 August 2014

How to make money through Blogging??

So finally much awaited weekends And my much awaited blogpost about making money from Blogging is here. Though these weekends come after every 5 days but every time it brings a new charm, shopping list, hang out list and blogging list with them.

Hopefully till now you have created your own blog and putting your all the efforts to make it successful.  Now the next thing which will be on your list is to make money through blog. It doesnt matter what is your reason behind creating a blog but tell me who dont love to earn something extra?? Whether you are a Part time or full time but blogging can let you earn handsomely.

Here are the few ways through which you can earn:

Google Adsense

I know may be the term "Google Adsense" is familiar to most of us but still we don't know how to optimise it. If you have created your blog under blogpost than you can easily monetize your blog by clicking on Tab" EARNING" and than filling up the form. Or otherwise go to this url to fill up the application form. Google pays you for every click on the advertisement adhering to its few terms & conditions. For more info you, please wait for my next blogpost in which will try to cover all the aspects of google adsense. 

Affliate programs

You can also sign in for various affiliate programs. there are many other website which provide similar benefits as of Google adsense. Here are the few names from the list


Direct Selling cum Banner Advertising

If you have good marketing skills and a owner of a successful blog than you can also approach the companies of your interest to sell their products or to market their products. If your blog have good traffic and quality posts than major brands will themselves approach you.

Contests/Quizzes/ others 

There are many contests which are exclusively for Bloggers. there you can earn or win big. You can also join bloggers' hub site and can earn benefits in terms of money and other similar gifts. Blogadda, Indiblogger are few famous sites which provides a good platform for the bloggers to meet, exchange ideas and earn.

Above are few tips with which you can earn from your blog. please let me know if I forget any. Will love to hear from you. :)

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