Marriage consultant is the one who act as a mediator on behalf of girl and boy family and henceforth arranges the meeting, discussions and others.
Investment required
You can start this business with 0 investments. It is a business which mostly depends on your relationship and reputation in the market.
Skills required
- He has to be expert in settling up of the issues.
- Soft spoken
- have patience
- good understanding
- intelligent
- Smart
- Good personality
- Genuine
Set up/Requisties
There is no as such any pre requisite to start this business. Though , a personal conveyance, good office set up like telephone, printer, desktop etc, website adds popularity and easy approach to the business.
Profit earned
The profit earned depends on how many successful unions you've able to make and thus resulting into marriages. Mainly there is initial registration by both the families. Registration fees totally depends on your popularity. It can be anything from Rs 0- RS 50,000.
Than there is a percentage share which is mutually decided to be taken by both the families.
Zero investment
A never ending business
- At times even the hard work doesn't pays.
- People can be reluctant to pay.
- Requires a lot of traveling and phone calls.
- Its not mandatory that every time your work will get praised. Be ready to face other consequences as well.
- Experienced ones are more trusted than new ones.
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