Saturday, 6 September 2014

Points to remember while making a resume

Resume is the first impressionary document while searching for a job. Many candidates think it as a useless and waste of time, but let me tell you very clearly that we consultant call only those candidates whose resumes are relevant to our client's requirements. Suppose, if my client wants a male candidate who is and have erection experience than I will never call anyone who has not mentioned erection as a job responsibility. Obviously, time is money and why to waste time. We consultants hardly believe in trial and error method. Resume has to be perfect.

So what are the things that you should remember while making your resume. I am outlining few of the points that grasp my attention while searching for any resume.


The objective of the candidate should be very clearly mentioned. no one like to have jack of all trades. Candidates should mention the skills that they are proficient into and the objective should define it very well.


Even a single detail like your contact number, address, age, job period should be properly checked before forwarding the CV. These details matter a lot.


Its may be possible tat HR /consultant is not aware about the company that you have worked with or working with. May  be the that's the thing he/she is looking for .Therefore always write a line or two about the company profile.


Details that you have mentioned should be authentic. there is no space for cheating or forgery. Only 10% are able to get success in hiding the real facts.

Irrelevant facts:

One of the candidate has mentioned in his resume that he stood second in fifth standard. Do tell me what is the use of mentioning this thing. Please try not to mention any irrelevant facts.

Email Id:

Keep a email id. which looks professional. One of my candidate got rejected in an It company because of his email Id. Funny and surrealistic email ids are sure shot  "NO".

Here is the sample resume that I uploaded from Look at its formatting and the headlines. It defines everything in best and simple way. In case any of you wants to get their resume updated or any kind of consultancy help can contact us at we will surely try to do the needful.

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